busker$519272$ - vertaling naar italiaans
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busker$519272$ - vertaling naar italiaans

Buskers; Busker; Street performer; Street performers; Street music; Street musician; Street Musicians; Virtual busking; History of busking; Street musicians; Street entertainer; Busking; Street performing; Street busker; Street singer
  • Little Tokyo]] community of Los Angeles
  • ''I Viggianesi'', street musicians from [[Viggiano]], Italy. Work by [[Filippo Palizzi]], 1853
  • Billy Waters]], a London busker from the 19th century
  • Bath]], United Kingdom
  • A sign in a tourist area of Edinburgh, Scotland, advises buskers that guitar amplifiers and PA speakers are not allowed.
  • [[Colin Huggins]] playing a grand piano in [[Washington Square Park]], New York City
  • Dancers in [[Sutton High Street]], [[Sutton, London]], England
  • Ed "Tuba Man" McMichael]] (''right'') in 2006
  • [[Toss juggling]] street performance in Denmark
  • Jeff Masin, a [[one-man band]] in New York City

n. suonatore ambulante, cantambanco


A busker is a person who sings or plays music for money in streets and other public places. (BRIT)


Street performance

Street performance or busking is the act of performing in public places for gratuities. In many countries, the rewards are generally in the form of money but other gratuities such as food, drink or gifts may be given. Street performance is practiced all over the world and dates back to antiquity. People engaging in this practice are called street performers or buskers in the United Kingdom. Outside of New York, buskers is not a term generally used in American English.

Performances are anything that people find entertaining, including acrobatics, animal tricks, balloon twisting, caricatures, clowning, comedy, contortions, escapology, dance, singing, fire skills, flea circus, fortune-telling, juggling, magic, mime, living statue, musical performance, one man band, puppeteering, snake charming, storytelling or reciting poetry or prose, street art such as sketching and painting, street theatre, sword swallowing, ventriloquism and washboarding. Buskers may be solo performers or small groups.